May 29, 2009

The Mystery of Life

I love this poet, and am inspired by the way she expresses herself, when I found this poem, I felt like posting on my blog, its an inspiration, read on ...

We walk in a world that is strange and unknown
And in the midst of the crowd we still feel alone,
We question our purpose, our part and our place
In this vast land of mystery suspended in space,

We probe and explore and try hard to explain.
The tumult of thoughts that our minds entertain...
But all of our probings and complex explanations
Of man's inner feelings and fears and frustrations
Still leave us engulfed in the "mystery of life"

With all of its struggles and suffering and strife,
Unable to fathom what tomorrow will bring --
But there is one truth to which we can cling,
For while life's a mystery we can't understand
The "great giver of life" is holding our hand
And safe in His care there is no need for seeing
For "in Him we live and move and have our being."
- Helen Steiner Rice

May 26, 2009

I am impressed by this author, who put it so well, on living life uniquely, discovering and living each moment of the day, and enjoying the journey more than the destination, here is what he says:

Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things, but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.

Some people have learned to earn well, but they haven't learned to live well.
Earn as much money as you possibly can and as quickly as you can.
The sooner you get money out of the way,
the sooner you will be able to get to the rest of your problems in style.

Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely.
Lifestyle is learning to be wherever you are.
It is developing a unique focus on the current moment,
and drawing from it all of the substance and wealth of experience and emotions that it has to offer.

Lifestyle is taking time to watch a sunset.
Lifestyle is listening to silence.
Lifestyle is capturing each moment so that it becomes a new part of what we are and of what we are in the process of becoming.

Lifestyle is not something we do; it is something we experience. And until we learn to be there, we will never master the art of living well.
- Jim Rohn

May 25, 2009


I realize the important thing we can do for ourselves is just to simplify ourselves and our lives, we create so much of confusion, and complicate our lives, that we find it difficult to be who we are meant to be – lights shining through.

I recall Jesus saying in his gospels “Be the Light of this world and the salt of this earth…” Light to shine forth and salt to bring taste ….., we say we want to, but then again we console ourselves, not now, not today, another day, when I am more free, when I complete this project, when I finish this work, when I have enough time …. etc

Why not we decide to simplify some part of your life this week. Take time to be still, listen to our inner voice calling us "go on ... take another step ...” It comes down to one thing, one simple step - make a committed decision. Once made, we begin to focus and the universe responds to help us. In quiet still space let us listen to our hearts. Let your hearts guide our way.

So clear out the cupboard, the wardrobe, the shelf, and the clutter whatever - if we haven't used it or worn it for a year then give it to someone who will use it or wear it and see the difference it makes in life.

The simplified life is a sanctified life

May 23, 2009

You are a Divine Expression

There is a spark of divinity in every person, says swami Vivekananda, if there is anything that is really valuable to contribute to the world, it reflects in our expression of our personality, that spark of divinity that makes us unique and special from every thing else on this universe.

This whole concept of being unique and special has been evolving in my life, and continues to evolve, I am still discovering and learning to utilise my capacity to the fullest, leaving the past behind, and desiring to bring positive changes in myself and around me, and take responsibility for creating my future.

An unknown author has put this aptly, and it is only confirming my own belief:

The only way you can successfully communicate and relate to other people, is to like yourself.
The more you like yourself, the more others will like and accept you.

People sometimes have experiences in their past that leave them filled with regret.
That is all over. It is in the past.

The reality is that you're an expressive, sensitive, beautiful person if only you'll accept your uniqueness.

It doesn't matter what someone has said about you. It doesn't matter what limitations you have previously experienced. That is all history.

What matters is what you do from this day forward. You can choose your future.

Realize that you are worthwhile and valuable with an enormous contribution to make.

Find the best within yourself and feel good about the person you are.

There is no one else just like you to be found anywhere. God thinks you are very special, and I think so too!

Author unknown

May 22, 2009


Life is difficult, and this is a reality, we all know, no matter who we are or what we do, life is tough, and demands us to grow up, each time we face a problem, giving us situations which demands change from us, it all depends on how we learn to cope with different situations in life, a lot depends on our we think about our life in our minds, and if definitely depends on what are beliefs are about ourselves and our lives. Read what the author says in Life is the way it is!

Life is The Way It Is! - By Catherine Pulsifer
How you cope with life is determined by your mental attitude. How you view any situation depends on your beliefs and your values.
How you cope with challenges can strengthen or weaken you. Some people have faced numerous challenges in their lives, yet maintained a positive outlook.

Reinforce your coping mechanisms by:
- viewing change as an opportunity, not as a threat,
- finding a positive benefit in your challenges,
- discussing the situation with a friend,
- taking action and not procrastinating,
- taking time to laugh, and above all,
- keeping things in perspective!

"Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference." Virginia Satir

May 21, 2009

My Father

While I was writing about my mother on the Mother’s day, I was also thinking of my father, and I do not want to wait for the Father’s day to post this, I felt strongly inclined to write about my dad, who was a very simple, down to earth with great faith in God and the church, he was a man who believed and he worked very hard, I hardly saw my dad except on the weekly off days, wherein he used to go marketing and come home buying vegetables and seasonal fruits.

I have memories of him bringing all the nine children together to say the rosary every evening at 7p.m. It used to be exactly one hour of family prayer, with candles lit and the whole house incensed. It was painful for me to sit for an hour of prayer, but my dad was particular that all of us be there for the prayer, even though it appeared boring, I see the value now, and I understand my father was the product of his time, and he did what he felt was best for us.

One important quality of my father was that he had great trust in God; he was the only earning member in the family, and was very sure that he will have a regular flow of money, and whenever I used to ask him, he would say the lord will provide, I used to be quite impressed with that statement, and most of the time he relied on Divine Providence.

My father was also very generous person who accommodated every one in the family; he helped his brother and also supported his family of 9 children, other than that he was very particular that there was enough for every one in the family. He loved to entertain people, his own staff who worked with him, used to visit him; he spent time in sharing his experiences of childhood, recalled funny incidents and some tough situations which saved him from death, and was eternally thankful to God and remained constantly in a state of gratitude.

I am grateful to my parents for all that they have done for me, and whatever I am today is because of their unconditional love and sacrifice, I had always believed that if I want to do something for my parents, I need to do it when they alive, and I have done my best till the last moment, and I am happy that even though they are no more alive on this earth, they continue to live in my life.

When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment. - Anon

May 18, 2009

Experience that transforms

I came across this inspiring short parable by Steve Goodier, author of many books on personal development; this is what he writes in one of his writings called A Parable of a Child. Read on …..

A young school teacher had a dream that an angel appeared to him and said, "You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world leader. How will you prepare her so that she will realize her intelligence, grow in confidence, develop both her assertiveness and sensitivity, be open-minded, yet strong in character? In short, what kind of education will you provide that she can become one of the world's truly GREAT leaders?"

The young teacher awoke in a cold sweat. It had never occurred to him before—any ONE of his present or future students could be the person described in his dream. Was he preparing them to rise to ANY POSITION to which they may aspire? He thought, 'How might my teaching change if I KNEW that one of my students were this person?' He gradually began to formulate a plan in his mind.

This student would need experience as well as instruction. She would need to know how to solve problems of various kinds. She would need to grow in character as well as knowledge. She would need self-assurance as well as the ability to listen well and work with others. She would need to understand and appreciate the past, yet feel optimistic about the future. She would need to know the value of lifelong learning in order to keep a curious and active mind. She would need to grow in understanding of others and become a student of the spirit. She would need to set high standards for herself and learn self discipline, yet she would also need love and encouragement, that she might be filled with love and goodness.

His teaching changed. Every young person who walked through his classroom became, for him, a future world leader. He saw each one, not as they were, but as they could be. He expected the best from his students, yet tempered it with compassion. He taught each one as if the future of the world depended on his instruction.

After many years, a woman he knew rose to a position of world prominence. He realized that she must surely have been the girl described in his dream. Only she was not one of his students, but rather his daughter. For of all the various teachers in her life, her father was the best.

I've heard it said that "Children are living messages we send to a time and place we will never see." But this isn't simply a parable about an unnamed school teacher. It is a parable about you and me -- whether or not we are parents or even teachers. And the story, OUR story, actually begins like this:

"You will be given a child who will grow up to become...." You finish the sentence. If not a world leader, then a superb father? An excellent teacher? A gifted healer? An innovative problem solver? An inspiring artist? A generous philanthropist?

Where and how you will encounter this child is a mystery. But believe that one child's future may depend upon influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will happen. For no young person will ever be ordinary to you again. And you will never be the same.

So true, I believe that each of us has a very important and specific purpose in this world, and as we keep influencing those around us positively, we are actually enabling them to fulfill their own purpose of existence.

May 12, 2009

My Mother

Free images from Google
When I think of my mother, there are so many things that come to my mind, my memories are fresh as to how she brought us up, I have never seen my mother giving up easily, she was full of life, enthusiasm and quite busy – she found time for everything in life, she managed the house work with no helper, at the same time delegating responsibilities to all of us at home, each of us had one task to do, and she loved cooking, and cooked very well, never wasted food, and always invented some new dish even if there was nothing much at home.

She was a very devout catholic, she was very particular about saying prayers, and will never miss a Sunday mass, she was part of the Legion Mary society, wherein she will go for the meetings every Saturday at the church. She was very particular about her looks, and used to dress well.

She was found in all the functions both at the church and in our family circles, be it marriage, christening, birthday, funeral any function, when invited my mother used to be very particular to attend these functions. She was also very courageous and had great faith in God. Even though she did not go to high school, she read the bible, and walked with faith.

As a mother of two kids, I am able to see the value of whatever she did, to enable us, and empower us in our lives, another name for my mother is hospitality, my mom was very generous and hospitable, and she enjoyed meeting guests at home, and would always be willing to entertain, and provide them a positive experience, we had guests who used to come and stay with our family, our cousins, relatives, and my father’s relatives – who used to enjoy my mom’s cooking, share their problems with her, and return back only to come back again for the next trip.

Even though she was raised up in a small family of two members, she and her brother, she embraced a large family, and committed herself to be a loyal wife, a generous and a loving mother, who stood by us at all times, and believed in the goodness of God, and trusted her children completely, and shared everything, till the end. Of her life.

free images from Google

On Mother’s day- I recall my mother and thank her for all that she has been to me, I have sweet memories of my mom, we have gone to movies together, and I use to accompany her for all the social functions, and when I was expecting my babies, we used to pray the rosary together, she used to keep me updated with all the information with regard to our family and our relatives, my mom was a great companion and a teacher, and I really miss her in my life.

She continues to live in my life, as I had imbibed some of her qualities, of hospitality, generosity, faith in God, Sense of humor, and living a life of gratitude. Thank you Amma, I know you are listening to me.

I would like to wish all my friends, who are mothers and all the beautiful women of my life, who have all the motherly qualities, and who have inspired me in life, and continue to make a difference - a Very happy Mother's Day with lots of love:) :)

Be Happy,
G Angela

May 7, 2009

Believing is Seeing

Playing with toy train
When Emmanuel was 3 months before conception, I was told that he is very weak and may not survive, I carried on my life submitting myself to God’s will – and leaving God to decide, he turned out to be a fighter, and finally when he was born he was very small, dark and thin, I could not believe my eyes that my child could be so frail, and he never cried, the doctors had to slap his back to make him cry, and he cried with a very feeble voice.

Initially I was very scared to even hold him in my arms, and I had to constantly keep observing him, as he never used to cry, when I came home from the hospital, there was no noise, Emmanuel was silent, the neighbors used to ask me whether my child is at home, as they never heard the child cry. He had to be woken up for his feeds, and I used to be very nervous handling him, I could never really sleep, wake up every 4 hours to ensure that he is fed.

At the Parish church
When I took him for immunization, the doctor told me, what a risk I had taken in continuing my pregnancy, knowingly that this may be a special child, and also told me, that these children are very difficult to handle, and they will take their time to reach miles stones, I do not know how those days passed, when he was 3 months old, he put on little weight, he used to look good, but he had a squint eye and his neck was not stable.

Having influenced by Louise Hay I practiced mind conditioners for myself, and I used it on Emmanuel, and it really worked, every morning, I used carry Emmanuel and sing in his ears loudly – saying Emmanuel you are a precious child, I love you, God loves you and He has a special plan for you, come on baby smile and I encouraged my daughter to sing along with me, making my own tunes, this became a ritual, and gradually I saw changes in Emmanuel.
Infant Jesus church at Bangalore with his sister

He started smiling, his squint was gone now, he started looking at me in the eye, his neck became stable, and he started moving to the side, I continued to encourage, sing affirmations loudly, every time he tried to turn, I used to applaud, shout and clap hands, saying Emmanuel come on you can turn, you are turning, very good, smart boy – and my daughter used to watch me getting excited she used to join me in clapping and cheering him, we did this for a month, and lo Emmanuel turned to his side and he started moving upwards, that’s how positive affirmations worked in my life.

Learnt to cycle
Emmanuel even skipped one milestone of crawling, and started walking directly, and for me that was biggest miracle I saw closely, especially after the paediatrician said that he will take time to walk, and it could be 5 years, 10 years or even 15 years. I refused to believe him, and I opened myself to a positive experience, wherein my child walked. I continue to affirm him, and sing affirmations believing that one day he will stand out in the crowd and bear testimony of his journey with me stating how faith and positive affirmations make a world of difference in our lives.

May 1, 2009

Maria Dorothy

One year Old
Learning to walk

at the age of two years
While I talk about my son and the struggles I have in bringing him up, I cannot but talk about my daughter who is a blessing in so many ways in my life. I got married at 35 and some of my colleagues told me that it would be difficult for me to conceive, as in the “our culture” it’s overage for marriage. 

Some felt sorry for me, as I had married late, I was happy, somehow I believed there is a time for every person, and for me it was the right time, despite all the comments about my delay in marriage, God was faithful and kind, I conceived after one year of my marriage.

I had gone to a dispensary, and the doctors told me that I needed to be very careful, since I am 35 (quite late according to them to conceive a child) and I have to go through a series of tests to know whether my baby is fine, and whether it is ok to continue my pregnancy.

I heard the doctors, and shared my concern with my very best friend Corinne, who guided to me meet her cousin, who is a doctor and who could be of help.

Hence I met Dr Evita for the first time in my life, I was the last person on appointment, so that she could give me more time – it was an impactful meeting, and I shall never forget what she shared with me.
she saw the doctors report and told me, that these are scientific facts which says that these tests will reveal to me how my baby will develop, whether there are chances of complications, but there is another dimension in life and that is the faith dimension, wherein our belief and trust in God matters, and I chose to I believe in the goodness of God and put all my faith in him to continue this journey for nine months.

She counselled me so well that I took the faith dimension seriously, and continued trusting God, affirming myself and my child every day that both of us are in safe hands, and we are divinely protected, and divinely guided and guarded, and the Lord blessed me with a beautiful daughter weighing 3.42 kgs, and she look like a bundle of joy.

She was the star in my life, me and my husband decided to name her Maria Dorothy – Dorothy means Gift of God.

So she is, now she is 8 years and full of life, she helps me in taking care of my son, and plays her part very well, she carries him around, and is a good company for my son. When I turn back to look at these experiences, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for all that has happened, and I continue my journey to live a life of gratitude.

Be Happy !
G Angela

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