January 12, 2023

Tree Love -134

“If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul”. Harold Kushner

It’s a blessing to be  alive; many wanted to be around but unfortunately had to leave by 2022. I have just completed my pre submission seminar for PhD and feel happy that I could come to the finals.. There were approx around 60 students registered for PhD from different subjects belonging to social sciences and everyone still in the journey… 5 of us could make it by January, 2023, and I being the only womenJ gives me joy and confidence to believe that anything is possible when we trust ourselves, and keep moving on finding good in every situation as the quote says, which will ultimately push us to our own destinies in life.

Happy Makar happy Sankranthi to you and your families. This year may the sun rise with  hope, kites fly high in the sky with vigour, and the crops be ready for harvest, everything signifying hope, joy and abundance.

Thursday Tree love  is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on second and fourth Thursday of every month.   You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

Post a picture of a tree on your blog

 Link back to her post http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/

 Thank you for reading this post;

 May you be blessed!


  1. Happy Sankranti Angela! Lovely post and Congratulations!! That is a lovely garden!

    1. Thank you Archana, hope you had a great sankrati, glad you found this garden lovely.

  2. Congratulations and so proud of you making into top 5 of the 60 who applied. Big deal, Angela. Do tell us about your topic. Love the tree and the quote. Thank you so much for joining and i cant wait to see you back tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Parul and yes i feel quite good about myself being the only women candidate:) who could make, of course there are others in the race they will complete too. For now i am glad to reach the finishing line. Parul my topic is Distress among Undergraduate women a sociological study. I am eagerly waiting to connect too. Thanks once again!

  3. Happy Makar Sankranti, Angela! Trust things are going great at your end. What a gorgeous garden!!

    1. Thank you Esha so glad to connect here, and yes that garden is from one of my trips to Aaraku valley:)


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