June 29, 2024

158-Thursday Tree Love

“Your health is an investment not an expense”

This picture was taken during a holiday visit to Mumbai, along with my friend’s family, passing through Marine drive  – thanks to my daughter Maria Dorothy for capturing this … bringing me fond memories that I have treasured and captured in my phone.

I am grateful to God, my family, our Doctor, friends, colleague and my boss who was kind to give me the time and space to heal myself. Thanks Parul for your generosity for accepting my post despite my late entryJ

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

 Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Link back to here post-http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/


Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...


May you be Happy & Blessed 


  1. Hope you are healing well Angela. What a lovely picture and I am always grateful for your presence. Take care and looking forward to seeing you around.

    1. Thanks Parul, its a joy to hear from you, yes I am healed now and have got into my routine, glad you found this picture lovely, appreciate your kind words, Love and hugs:)

  2. Beautiful click.
    Stay happy and healthy, Heal Well.


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