April 26, 2014


I want to focus on WORDS that are so important for all of us, in every relationship.  I have no idea whoever has written this – but I am quite impressed and I have tried using these words in my life and its has made a huge difference.

The first six words “I admit I made a mistake” will resolve any conflict, especially when we are ready to acknowledge, that it is our mistake…. Most of the time we are not willing to admit our mistakes, we will keep on justifying, till it becomes a big fight and in the end, we may win the argument, but may lose a good friend.

The five most important words “You did a good job”  I heard it from my boss at my workplace, and it created magic.  It not only makes one feel good about oneself, but also motivates to perform still better, having a motivated person at work place is a blessing to help the organization move towards success. Affirmations are very important, and who does not want affirmation ?

The four most important words “What is your opinion” – will give us wealth of information from the other person, everyone has opinions and when we initiate this question, we create space for the person to articulate, and share what he/she thinks and it is the most respectful thing to do… when we do this, we include the person in our conversations and also in our plans. Opinions are valuable as we get new insights from listening to others.

The three most important words, “If You Please” is so sweet to hear, especially when we practice this with our spouse and kids, we can get almost every work done through them at home, and it also does wonders  at our workplace.

The two most important words”Thank you” comes with a heart that is filled with gratitude.  It is a must for us to use this word every day, for it adds to our blessings, and its pleasing to the ears.

The least important word is I, which can be the root cause of all problems if it is placed first in relationships.
Lets watch our words ! they will turn into action

"Good words are worth much, and cost little."- George Herbert


  1. Perfect.....words can make and break relationships....
    Those words are the magic mantras indeed!

    1. very true ! we must encourage one another to use this magic words...

  2. So true, every day, at home and outside, words are so important.

    1. we can never underestimate the power of words, words can wound and words can heal too...

  3. I disagree. The three most important words are "I love you".

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

    1. Thanks Liz, I agree with you ! I love you is quite charged and powerful than what I mentioned, appreciate you for sharing, I love you is most important....

  4. Very correct. Words have deep impact in our lives. They can make or break relationships.

  5. Words indeed make so much difference. Especially the right words when spoken at the right time. But silence too has its own language, if the other person can hear it :) A thoughtful post on Words.

  6. but u know one of the most abused word must be "sorry" - so many of u use it without meaning it


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