January 24, 2012

A Family Union

Yesterday was my dad’s death anniversary!  And some of us in the family decided we meet to gether as a larger family in one of my brother’s house to celebrate, to recall, remember and share some memorable moments spent with our father. So we decided for a potluck dinner, and each of us brought something to share, we prayed together, and sang all the favourite hymns my dad used to sing in Tamil, helped one another with lyrics, as its been long time since we sang those songs, it was such a joy to sing together in one accord and each one us shared our experience with dad.

It began from Celi my older sister, who had lots of humorous situations to share, and listening to her we felt happy and true, for we knew that Celi always worried my dad and made fun of him, then came the youngest daughter who was my dad’s favourite, because she resembled my eldest sister who was a nun. Leena spoke of legacy my dad left for her, and told us that she cherished some of the moments in her life which reminded her to have faith and Trust in God.  Then it was the turn of Vincent my third brother, who was happy to share the arguments he used to have with him with regard to existence of God, and today he valued what my dad taught him.

It was Danny’s, turn- my fourth brother, he became sentimental, when he spoke of Dad, he recalled his adolescence stage, and how he did not want to go to school, as he was not interested in studies but wanted to work and Dad pushed him to complete his 10th standard and encouraged him to continue to study and work, he was proud to say that whatever he is today in life, he owes a great deal to my dad.

Then came Mary, Danny’s wife, my sister in law, she had fine memories of my dad sharing his faith with her, and thanking her for looking after him.  Now it was John’s turn, my fifth brother who missed him, and shared his experience of learning to pray from my dad, immediately his son Sam spoke about how he irritated his grandfather as a little child, playing all kinds of pranks on him and worrying him. My daughter Dorothy was listening quietly and my nieces Neomi, Nancy, Rachel and Nissi showed could not remember much of Dad as they were too small, but they were impressed while everyone shared about him.

My eldest brother Raj and my   nephews Ezekiel & Yohan my were nodding their heads listening to everyone. I was happy to be part of this gathering – and I too had my special moments with Dad, I was a great entertainer, and every day I used to imitate his friends, share jokes, and make him laugh, in fact dad used to look forward for me to return from my office, to find out what was the latest joke in my life. I remember reading Tamil bible to him, and share some my very favourite passages from Isaiah 49, Psalm 23, Psalm 139, and Psalm 8 … he used to be very impressed with me, for hearing me read in Tamil.

My dad was also a very  open to learn, I remember, when I went for vipassana meditation first time, and excitedly shared the art of meditation, he listened with great interest, and was ready to learn how to meditate.

We look at our watches, it was already 10p.m. each of us have to get back to our families, and continue our routine, all of us were happy to relive our moments of joy – and it was time for party now, we shared what we brought, enjoyed a good meal, hugged and kissed one another good bye ! Looking forward for another gathering in the family. 

"Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."  
-Author Unknown

January 22, 2012

A Great Dad !

Today 23 January, 1997 my father expired, and   its almost 14 years, now, as I look back,  I have some very fond memories of  what my dad was, for truly he was a provider for his family, I found my dad to be a hard working person, for him work was worship, and some of the things I could never forget was his commitment to family prayer, my dad was very particular about saying the family rosary every day.

He had tremendous faith in God, and trusted in God's providence, no doubt he was able to raise nine children, ensured that all of us went to school, I never forget the “Mondays” which was his weekly off, when he used to go to the market to buy vegetables and fill the bags with seasonal fruits for all us – we as children used to run towards him to carry the bags and the fruits which he carried on his cycle.

My dad loved good food, and my mom was very good cook, every Sunday and Monday was special in our home - as dad enjoyed the meal prepared at home.  My dad was a staunch catholic and believed in the saints, and said special prayer for the saints on different days of the week. He loved to read the Bible, and while he retired from work – he spent time talking to people about his faith experiences, as to how he was saved twice in this life, only by good will of his friends and prayers, once he was bitten by a snake and survived, at another time he became so sick, and was healed.

Today, I remember him with gratitude, and thank him for being a great Dad!  
A real father, responsible, trustworthy.
And a great role model.
I’ve learned a lot of good things from watching you ! Thanks for Being You !

January 20, 2012

Lessons in Life

I sit with my daughter in the evening hours, every day to help her in studies, I generally look through all her books, and see if the teacher has given any home work to do, then encourage her to take one subject at a time, look for the questions and then help her find answers to every question in her book.

Sometimes I find the teacher gives them a test after teaching the lesson, and I prepare her for the test. While this is something which is very common, that has been happening in schools ….. yet in our lives the story is very different, we are constantly challenged to learn the lessons in our own time, and when we refuse to learn, we are provided enough opportunities in our lives till we learn our lessons, the lessons could be on anything – I had many lessons in life, wherein I had learnt to persevere, learnt to accept, learnt to forgive, learnt to love and still learning….. there is so much more to …keep learning, it might take a whole life time.

There is a nice saying by an unknown author, which says “In school you get the lesson and then take the test …. In life you take the test and then get the lesson”
How true, every problem we face in our lives is really an opportunity for growth, an invitation to look beyond and recognize a bigger picture of ourselves and our lives; it is this picture that brings meaning to what is unfolding. 

I am still in the process of learning, to shift my perspective, asking myself, “What am I being given opportunity to learn from this situation?  And I find most of the time the answer is related to improving my own quality of life, sometimes its is sense of gratitude, at times I experience inner freedom, at other times its compassion and at another time its acceptance of a relationship. 

Today I want to be thankful for all my problems in life, which I had experienced, reflecting back, I am filled with gratitude for every challenge I faced, for all those challenges has enhanced my quality of life – I am a better person today and I find that awareness of the lesson is all that I need to solve any problem – awareness also provides us with courage and enables us to look for various options/ways to work through our problems.

Be Blessed & Be Happy!

Note; this image is a free download from the internet.

January 17, 2012

Being Myself

There have been moments in my life, when I found it difficult to be myself, and I always thought, that I must change, I must accept and I must accommodate everybody in my life, in the process of welcoming everybody, I felt I was losing my own identity of who I am as a person.  

The moment I made a decision, to  be myself - everything changed ! I began to relax, be happy for being who I am and there was no more stress and pressure for being myself. I continue my journey inward with  love,  kindness and perseverance as this journey could be my whole life..... 

Be Blessed & Be Happy!

January 16, 2012

I am nature’s greatest miracle.

 Today I feel gratitude towards this author OG Mandino, who has written the book THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD.  I have read this before, and I am re-reading it now again, and inspired by these powerful statements he makes, his message has captured my heart, and has found a place in my innermost being.  As I read, I am inspired to post, may you be inspired too ! Read on ..........

I am nature’s greatest miracle.

I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.  I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.

I am nature’s greatest miracle.

No beast, no plant, no wind, no rain, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with purpose.  In the past I have not considered this fact but it will henceforth shape and guide my life.

I am nature’s greatest miracle.

And nature knows not defeat.  Eventually, she emerges victorious and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult.  I will win, and I will become the greatest salesman, for I am unique.

I am nature’s greatest miracle.

(an extract from the ancient  scroll marked IV in The Greatest Salesman in the World)

Be Blessed & Be Happy !

January 10, 2012

Inspiration for Being Persistent

My inspiration for today is an extract from the book “The Greatest Salesman in the world by OG MANDINO

I will persist until I succeed
I was not delivered into this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.  I am not  a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd.  I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious.  Let them join the sheep.  The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed
The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal.  Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road.  Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.
Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another.  In truth one step at a time is not too difficult.

I will persist until I succeed
I am empowered with these thoughts today, to keep moving, and carry on with my work, my plans and will enjoy every moment of the day in accomplishing what I desire – walk, meditate, pray, read, drink plenty of water, focus on my duties at home and at workplace, smile and keep moving on persistently with gratitude that keeps my heart happy !

Be Blessed & Be Happy!

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