May 5, 2014

A-Z Reflection Post!

Today I want to acknowledge and specially thank all of you for journeying along with me in the last 26 days! Thanks for your kind words of encouragement, affirmation and care.  I am blogging for the second time on A-Z blogging challenge.  

It was definitely empowering experience for me, than last time. Previous year I was so nervous and found difficult to manage and struggled somehow to complete the challenge with great joy. This year, my confidence level has increased. I chose to write short posts and focused more on inspirational quotes for 26 days.

 I collected the quotes in advance alphabetically, and few extra quotes for standby and listened to my heart every day as I kept posting. Where ever I felt to write more and add additional pics or even change the quote, I did and some post I just posted the quote.  The reason for this was to visit as many bloggers as possible within this time frame.

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I did make a few mistakes while posting, I pasted the link at the wrong place and within two or three days I understood the process.  I was happy to be part of this community. I liked the way some of our members encouraged everybody to show compassion to certain blogs which was not visited by any one – I was happy to visit them and learn a bit more about their blog. 

This year I felt the administration was well organized putting people in groups.  It was a good experience, as it brought one small group closer to one another.  Some days I could comment on every blog from my group, and at other times, I managed to make a few comment also from the other groups.

One of the biggest challenge I faced from my end, was the frequent power cuts that disturbed a lot while posting, and adding to that was the computer which was troubling me by automatic shut down, sometimes I would be in the middle of commenting, or posting or linking and when this happens I found very irritating and with patience handled this challenge.

I went out to the internet centre and posted whenever there was a problem at my place.  When I read about the other bloggers challenges on the main comment thread, I felt comforted that I was not alone and there are so many who are trying their best to post as on schedule.

I would also like to appreciate the group members for having linked my post in the appropriate place, during my absence – I could enjoy a break for four days and was still be connected because of this group.
I am also very thankful and grateful for my companions who regularly commented, encouraged, agreed, disagreed, inspired and shared their feelings. 

 It’s your gift to me, and I have become better because of you ! 
Thank you for bringing smile on my face with your comments
Thanks for sharing such wonderful posts; some of them were very stimulating

I loved reading the following blogs for this whole month:

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  • Shilpa’s blog – like the way you developed your theme and inspired me., this time your focus was great, loved reading a few one was on domestic violence and the other one was Divorce….??  I found difficult to access your blog… this time .. my own computer issues..
  • Meena for her beautiful pics and a variety of posts that always attracted me to read.
  • Sunila’s blog that gave so much information on Yoga and everything related to body, mind, spirit and of course the meaning of OM.
  • Beloo”s blog that had so much of resourceful information of education and the challenges  in our country
  •  Stri’s was very different and I enjoyed the/Fiction – there was suspense, thrill, romance and happy ending – loving reading
  • Jayanth’s blog raised a  lot simple and sensitive issues to think deeply and respond, be it for voting, youth, education, etc…
  • Naba’s was very inspiring and  beautiful your expressions are simply superb, I enjoy visiting random thoughts…
  • loved your page “You are beautiful “  very well conveyed, your thoughts were inspiring…
  • for sharing your views on various aspects of life, stimulating us to think….
  • I loved reading almost all the posts, as it was very well written, some of them I have not forgotten, especially the one who spoke on opening the gift in the presence of a giver, another one on professional work and its charges… there were other issues very relevant to our time, and it triggered a lot of response from within, thank you for sharing & commenting
  •  it was all on teaching, knitting and handling the students, some of them were very good -  and the way you handled your glass shows your maturity and perseverance.

I must thank Corinne and Vidya for facilitating and encouraging, I did not get time to read your posts.. hope to catch up !

Thanks to all of you, some of the names I may have left out, but please know that you have been a great source of inspiration and motivation for me to complete this challenge !

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Congrats to all of you ! who have been part of this challenge !Celebrate yourself !



  1. Congratulations on finishing the Challenge!
    This was my third year and so far the best yet. I sort of felt like a pro but I did get overwhelmed at the end and have a lot of catching up to do!

    1. thanks ! and nice to hear that this your third year... we keep growing in confidence, agree that we can get overwhelmed as there are so many blogs to visit,comment and also acknowledge and we have only a month to complete, that keeps us on the edge,nice to connect with you here, and hope to visit your blog !thanks for sharing..

  2. Glad that you completed the challenge, despite all the personal setbacks! Wonderful to hear that you went out to Internet cafes and did it ! That's commitment! Happy that you joined A-Z :)

    1. Thanks dear, I tried my best and hope to connect with all of you, of course limitations are always there... but the company of A-Z 's is quite motivating, I did enjoy the interactions at the group, even though I was not very active, liked being part of this challenge.

  3. Congratulations and yes power cuts are very irritating !

    1. wishing you the same too ... and lot more to catch up .. today no power the whole day.. I am commenting from a public place... that's how life is... but its great to be here.. thanks

  4. Congratulations Angela. I am impressed that you managed to do it all so well despite the power cuts and connectivity problems. That shows great dedication! Well done! And thanks for the kind mention :) Appreciate it.

    1. Its my pleasure beloo... I enjoyed reading some of your posts... need time, as your posts are quite long.. and I am running in circles to complete the challenge..hope to read it as and when possible.. thanks for being here !

  5. Yikes, technical difficulties make this all the more difficult. Glad you were able to persist and get through.

    1. yes ! it does makes life tough.. as you want to do much, and you feel like a victim, am glad to be in touch and also did like some of your posts ...

  6. I echo your sentiment about being more confident this second year, Genevive Angela. I can only imagine how much more difficult it would have been having so many technical difficulties. Though we had a few power outages, I did not have to go somewhere else to post. Your commitment is commendable. What a beautiful joy filled post. Thank you too for those you mention. I will try to drop by to visit them as well. Enjoyed your quotes. Thanks, Maria, ""

    1. Welcome to my space dear ! and thanks for the lovely comments. I am happy to be the company of motivated bloggers, it did keep me busy and pushed me to complete the challenge, I hope to stop by some times.... thanks again

  7. Grats on finishing! I struggled to visit everyone I wanted to, but hopefully next year, it'll be a little easier.

    1. Thanks ! and do hope you enjoyed being part of this challenge, next year I am sure I will be still better equipped to deal with the issues and try my best to visit all of your posts !thanks for sharing !

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks and wishing you the same ! I do appreciate you..

  9. Congrats on completing the challenge. It was a fun A to Z but I have a lot of catching up to do on reading blogs.

    1. Thanks suzy, this year i missed so many of you, janaki, richa, afsan, corinne, vidya, cathy, diana, sridevi, sulekha, roshini... OMG. I just managed to run around within the group... agree with you... catching up ! yes a lot to do ....

  10. Thank you so much for the mention ...And congratulations on completing the challenge successfully! Loved sharing the journey with you!

    Reflections on A2Z Challenge-Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Its my pleasure nabanita.. wishing you the same ! you are an inspiration ! love your blog, lot of learning for me ...

  11. Congrats on completing the challenge, Genevive. This was my first year too and I really had a blast. Look forward to the next one!

    1. Lovely ! so nice to hear, for me it was the second time and am hoping to keep improving..... will be part of the next one too.. nice to connect here !

  12. Power-cuts are something like natural calamities for a blogger who is participating in such a challenge- one can't do anything about it. You know reading about so many experienced A-to-Zers I have learned how to manage better with pre-homework. It is so motivating to see so many fellow bloggers faced troubles and still aced the challenge! Enjoyed reading your post! Thank you for the mention. :)

  13. nice to hear from you ! and glad to connect at this place, rightly said, doing some pre homework will definitely help... feel equipped this time... next challenge will be less of a challenge, and more of fun. Thanks for sharing !


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