June 11, 2023

141- Thursday Tree Love

 “Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved. “ Thomas Fuller


This tree is from my recent travel to Israel – I was in awe when I saw these trees as I walked to Mount Tabor. It was part of the Holy Land Tours; we travelled from the Sea of Galilee to reach this place. The bus went up half and distance, and then there are other smaller vehicles that takes us to the top of the mountain.  I could not resist but just click these trees, as they stood tall and beautiful. This was a dream come true in my life- I enjoyed moving around and taking a lot of pictures for my memory.

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

 Post a picture of a tree on your blog

 Link back to here post-http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/

 Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...

 May you be Happy & Blessed 


  1. Wow!!! These are amazing!! That seems to be a great visit. Looking forward to seeing more trees from there! 😄

    1. Thank you Archana, as I moved around i was looking for trees and i found these beautiful...yea i will be posting in TTL.

  2. Beautiful, green and such a gorgeous landscape. Thanks for joining and sharing, Angela. I am working on tomorrow's post and would be very happy to see you around.

    1. Thanks Parul:) the places are beautiful, some of them on the hilly regions are simply super.. I look forward to your posts parul, thanks for facilitating TTL.

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous view! Looks like you had a memorable visit. Thank you for sharing these lovely clicks, Angela. :)

    1. Thanks Vinitha, glad you found this view gorgeous, yes this trip was a memorable one:)


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