July 13, 2022

128-Thursday Tree Love

“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers; 

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul” 

Luther Burbank

These plants are from my balcony, we have some 15 – 18 potted plants and we have spread it around in the sides and happy to have them in our house. I remember picking up one small potted money plant and its spread beautifully decorating our grills of the balcony.  David started bringing some more plants and that’s how the balcony is green and it’s a pleasure to see them bloom.

I clicked these pictures inspired by Parul’s suggestion to share from our homes and neighborhood.


Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:


Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Link back to here post-http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/


Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...


May you be Happy & Blessed 


  1. Beautiful! Your balcony garden shows how much you love and care for it!

    1. Thanks Archana agree, its a pleasure to be surrounded with greenery

  2. I am so so glad you shared this. It's a lovely balcony garden and i love the blooms too. Thank you, Angela. You made me smile today <3

    1. Glad to see your comment parul, and thank you this balcony garden is taken care by David:) happy that this post made you smile, thank you

  3. Lovely quote and equally beauiful balcony garden. The palm, moneyplant and hisbiscus are fresh, green and nurtured.

    1. Thank you so much, it looking fresh, green and nurtured because of David who takes time to take care of them.


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