April 9, 2019

#A-Z April Challenge 2019. I– Intention

I have chosen the theme for this year’s challenge as “Nature” I will post pictures about Nature in varied locations for 26 days and write what touches and inspires me.

It is so important to quieten the mind, especially when there’s so much go around you; the state is getting ready for the lok sabha elections and some of us from the campus are deputed for election duty, today and tomorrow is a  busy day, as we are expected to report in the early hours and be part of the team in ensuring that the whole process is conducted in a peaceful manner.

These days are not only busy and challenging – I have not been visiting the other bloggers, hopefully after the elections, would make some time to visit and comment.

I just managed to post today and I will post tomorrow evening for the next letter.  Being at peace with oneself and those around us is important for our health.

A few tips to be at peace:
·         Practice gratitude all the time – every day for all the little and big things life offers to you;

·     Practice Mindfulness – being aware of everything we do and accepting it in the present moment without letting your mind wander.

·         Practice kindness – do a good deed, however small it does makes a difference.

·         Read books that build you, watch programmes that keeps you healthy and happy.

·         Plan and Schedule your work/duties to keep stress and anxiety away.

·         Constantly Declutter both mind and your environment be it home and working place ..

·         Lastly Affirm yourself that you are at peace with yourself and everyone around you.

Thank you for reading my post, appreciate you for the time and would be glad to hear from you;

May you be at peace !


  1. Intention is important. Thank you for your lovely guidelines/tips Genevive. Good luck for the elections - may they go smoothly and well.

    1. Thank you Susan for your constant and consistent affirmations:) It was in the old city of Hyderabad and quite stressful for two days. But everything went on smoothly.

  2. Our mind is so fickle and it runs around at break neck speed. It is so important to quieten it. Breathing meaningfully and with intention helps me. Practicing kindness is another thing that brings me peace.

    1. Rightly said shilpa, some great authors call the mind monkey and the monkey never relaxes always jumping around:) Agree with you Breathing with awareness and intention definitely helps and also kindness... its a great quality.


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