April 9, 2019

#A-Z April Challenge 2019. H – #World Health Day 2019

I have chosen the theme for this year’s challenge as “Nature” I will post a lot of pictures about Nature in varied locations for 26 days and write what touches and inspires me.
“Health is not valued till sickness comes” Thomas Fuller
Coonoor - Tamil nadu - park decorated  with fruits

Every year the #World Health Day is celebrated on the April 7 as a global health awareness day under the sponsorship of World Health Organisation. The visions being  all people universally enjoy the highest attainable standard of health. This is the day to draw people’s attention towards global health, while globally a lot of activities are being planned and implemented. The theme for 2019 is Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere.

While we may not be able to go out in the world to talk about WHO day and the importance of being healthy; but definitely we can begin with self to be healthy and spread the message of healthy living and adopting  healthy life style locally.

Let’s do what we can to spread the message of healthy living for Health is our right and Health is also our responsibility J

Nature has blessed us with everything needed to have a Healthy Body & Mind:

·         Drink water

·         Eat Natural Foods

·         Exercise Daily

·         Sleep well

·         Think Positive

·         Practice Gratitude

Thank you for reading this post; appreciate you and would love to hear your thoughts.

Be Blessed & Be Happy:)


  1. Thanks for sharing the message of healthy living, small things we can do to ourselves.

    1. You are most welcome to this space, appreciate your comment.

  2. Thanks Genevive, health begins at home - may it spread to all ...

  3. Even that bull and man is made up of fruits??
    Interesting decoration.
    Thanks for the reminders for a healthy mind and body :)

    1. I was quite fascinated to see the bull decorated - this was at Ooty and i loved the place which had so many gardens and this decorations with the fruit was a great one. Thank you shilpa for being here.


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