April 20, 2013

R – Railways

I think of Railways for R. Railway has been a blessing for me, and I enjoy the scenic beauty of traveling and at the same time have fun, watching the chai walla, samosa wallah and a whole lot of vendors who come selling water, cool drinks, ice cream, snacks and of course the women who get in with various kinds of seasonal fruits & nuts.

I had the privilege of travelling so much in a train, before I got married; I worked in a particular organization that focused on lot of training, and there was always opportunity for me to travel with my colleague or sometimes alone, and watch as the train stops at every railway station, I find people so busy each waiting for someone to arrive! Bidding  good bye to their loved ones, the railway station will be full of welcomes and goodbyes!

The train reminds me of my own journey in life, and there are various people whom I meet as I keep traveling, some give me laughter, some pain and others walk along and give a good company, some others make my burden a little lighter, give a shoulder, their hands to hold, and give so much happiness, that even after they leave me, their memories hang on giving me laughter, joy and fun.

Each one of us are on a journey, as the passengers keep getting down the train, with new passengers occupying the seat, we too have to get down, when our station comes, allow new passengers to occupy our seat. 

We make our journey an enjoyable and meaningful one, when we smile and accommodate people as they come into our lives, and appreciate them for their capacities and talents, and share what we have with them, for we do not know when the station will come for us and them.

Sometimes we may find ourselves heading in the wrong direction, it’s okay to get down, and ask for new directions, it is better not to look back, not to put down ourselves for making a wrong choice, the past is over, we cannot go backwards, instead we look forward with gratitude for it has taken various situations, experiences of our lives to reach where we are today! so let’s enjoy the ride

Wishing you a Happy Sunday !
Today I'm on R of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.


  1. So true! Railway stations are a great place to observe and absorb. Liked the way you have correlated this to our journey of life!
    Wishing you a very happy and satisfying journey :)

  2. Loved the last quote and the analogy of life with the railway. Nice.

    1. Thanks for your comments ! wishing you a happy sunday !

  3. I have so much nostalgia for the Indian railways! Hope you’ve enjoyed the challenge so far.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  4. I used to travel a lot by train from Ahmedabad to Bangalore and vise versa. Invariably, the journey would get delayed and during summer it would become a pain if not traveling by AC. I have some very good memories though.

    1. I understand traveling in summer,without A/c and with delays will definitely be irritating, but still, with children its fun to travel in a train, I enjoyed most of my train journey's, and had lots of fun, except for few which may not have been so good. Thanks for commenting !

  5. i have travelled extensively by Indian railways .In fact I used to look forward to the travels.A nice book (make that a lot of books/comics),the upper berth,indulgent parents who would allow junk food ONLY during those train journeys and the deep ,blissful sleep...memories all !!:))

    1. Glad to hear from you, long journeys books are a must, and there will be plenty of time to eat and sleep, and with few children around, its fun to play with them.

  6. I guess all us Indians would have travelled a lot by Indian Railways...

    I love the train journeys and the station... :) travelling in trains on a window seat in the monsoon in India is one way of experiencing heaven on earth :D

    1. The window seat is something, everyone would want to, before marriage, I would fight with mother to give me the window seat, and later on I will always look out for the window seat, to watch all the interesting things happening around ! its so much fun !

  7. Rail journeys have a special charm. I am fond of train travels!

    1. so nice to hear that, I am looking forward for some travels this year with my daughter !

  8. I love train travel, would love to do all the big train journeys around the world.
    maggie at expat brazil

    1. Glad to know that you love the train travel, hope you get plenty of opportunities this year to go around... all the best !

  9. Great analogy between the railway and life's journey. I can imagine that traveling by rail in India must be beautiful. You are so right about gratitude being an important part of life. Love the name of your blog. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

    1. Thanks for your kind words, I am so happy to know that you liked the name of my blog, the first thing that came to my mind while thinking of a name was gratitude, as I truly feel so blessed to share with gratitude, thanks for stopping by !


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