April 2, 2013

Be Aware Of Your Thoughts

I am talking about Negative thinking; Negative thinking affects each one of us as individuals, and interferes in our day to day activities, blocking us from achieving our full potential.

It begins like a slow poison, and affects every sphere of our lives, distorting our perceptions about our own self, others and everything around us. 

I have so many experiences in my life, as to how negative thinking constantly kept me shy, in doubt, eating away my confidence from within. It made me blind, frightened, insecure, anxious and dependent on other’s opinions.

I found difficult to take risks and learn new things in my life; it took a lot of time for me to love and accept myself just the way I am.

 I absorbed the concept of beauty from all around me, comparing myself with so many others who I thought are very lucky and beautiful, that I found difficult to see the beauty that is in me. This made me sad, and led me to think negatively about myself. I have allowed others to define me. 

I had to be taught to see the positive aspects, and I am so grateful for so many experiences, that came my way in the form of books that I read.

I can never forget Norman Vincent Peale’s, Robert Schuler, Fr John Powell, Louise Hay Dr Scott Peck, Dr Bernie Seighal, Stephen Covey, Robin Sharma and many more authors who literally accompanied me on my journey to bring in small changes in my life, altered my perceptions of myself, which impacted on the others aspects of my life too.

 I salute all the Gurus’ (my teachers) from whom I learnt to meditate, who taught me to look within and appreciate the sense of divinity in me.

Today I'm on B of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.


  1. Good on you for turning your life around. That takes great strength and courage.

    1. It is very true - we need a lot of strength and courage, to look within, I am still learning, thanks for your comments.

  2. I learned a lot about positive thinking and self-affirmation from you, Janet. We were so blessed to have been exposed to so much at a young age, weren't we? :)

    1. yes corinne ! now I think my daughter is missing what I had in my life, am happy you triggered some happy moments of my learning ! I am sure Dorothy will find her path to understanding self..

  3. I learnt this when I was undergoing EFT and it surely helped me a lot. It practically changed the way I think!

    1. Nice to know that you had gone through EFT - it does make a difference to our lives, am happy it help you change the way of thinking ..

  4. A very meaningful post Genevive. We sometimes bind ourselves with our own negative thoughts which prevents us from growing to our full potential. You've explained your thoughts so well in a nutshell.

    1. Thanks Diana ! the challenge is to put it in a nut shell, and i am trying my best. Nice to hear from you !

  5. Learning to let go of the past, and not anticipate the future can be one of life's greatest gifts. Look forward to the rest of your challenge posts!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Thanks for your comments, and thanks for inspiring me !

  6. Have been on this trail...and has impacted me a lot.

    1. Good to know, I am not alone in this journey... wishing you the best !

  7. As they say life has the biggest lessons for each one of us.Nice post :)

  8. Hi! I came here from the A-Z Challenge list. Really love your positive thinking; as I think we as women are especially prone to scrutinize ourselves. Much of it, I think, is based on what the world says about how we are to be, dress, look, think, act, etc. It's very difficult sometimes. But positive thoughts go a long way in healing a once-negative interior. Makes all the difference. Great post!

    1. Thank you, you are leading me to my next post! appreciate you for sharing..

  9. Hi Genevive, happy to meet you on the A-Z Challlenge.

    1. I am happy too ! to meet so many who are so inspiring here!


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