April 22, 2020

T – The salt Doll

This April for the A-Z 2020 challenge I have taken short stories from books of Fr Anthony De Mello – “the song of the bird” and the “prayer of the frog”. I would like to share these stories and hopefully believe that these stories will inspire you too.  

A salt doll journeyed for thousands of miles and stopped on the edge of the sea.  It was fascinated by this moving liquid mass, so unlike anything it had seen before. “Who are you?” said the salt doll to the sea.

“Come in and see,” said the sea with a smile.

So the doll waded in. The further it went the more it dissolved till there was only a pinch of it left. Before that last bit dissolved, the doll exclaimed in wonder, “Now I know what I am!”
Today is 4th Thursday and it is 79th Post of  Tree Love.  I am joining Paul with the Tree Love Posts: 
adjacent our compound wall sapota tree:)

This tree is just next to our flat adjacent to the wall is the sapota tree, just noticed as I am in lock down and suddenly I realize there are trees in my neighborhood. This tree was a surprise and I was glad to click.

 Someone Else is praying for things You have taken for Granted…

Thursday Tree love  is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on second and fourth Thursday of every month.   You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...

May you be Happy &Blessed


  1. Such a profound story! Only when we surrender ourselves to God's divine will, we can find ourselves and eternal happiness. Thanks for this meaningful and inspiring message, Genevive ♥

    1. Glad you found this story profound shilpa, thanks for your encouraging words and happy to connect with you here.

  2. The salt doll story is profound, as is the saying that someone else is praying for things I have taken for granted. Yes, like food, like a good job, like medical insurance...I am so grateful. No sapota trees here, but I understand their fruits are quite nutritious.

    1. So happy to hear that you found the story profound. Yes i too agree that there are so many things that others would have loved to have it for themselves... and we are unaware... practicing gratitude daily helps in identifying those small little things that matters most. Okay the Sapota tree belongs to the neighbors:)

  3. Replies
    1. Okay, its been there next to my flat and I observed recently, thank you for connecting.

  4. I love seeing trees flourishing between buildings.

    1. We have trees on both sides - this one is the front portion and we have a small balcony behind and there two trees huge ones thriving and it gives us a nice background of green all over. Thanks for connecting and sharing your thoughts.

  5. Lovely story Angela! And yes, this lockdown has got us to appreciate trees around us..

  6. Nice salt doll story. In the end we are all like salt dolls.
    In my street, one of the neighbour has grown sapota trees and it is still bearing fruits. When I was a school girl, I used to bring all my friends home and a compulsory visit to the sapota(Chiku fruit)uncle's house just to let my friends see the sapotas grown on the tree had become a usual custom. Your post and the photo brought back my school days memories. Nice post Angela.

    1. Thanks Anjana, I am glad you liked the salt doll story.. yes we are like salt dolls. Thats such a sweet memory of the Chiku fruit) School days memories are always fun to recall. Thank you for reading my post and sharing your thoughts, appreciate your presence.

  7. Love that tree. And I have never seen a Sapota tree so this makes me happy. I have also started noticing more trees in lockdown than before.
    Thank you, Angela. Hope all is well. Take care and I will see you tomorrow.

    1. Glad to hear from you Parul and so happy to know that you love that tree. I am living here for almost 18 years and I noticed this tree very recently because of lock down. I am fine Parul, lock down has given me a new schedule, changed priorities and pushed me to experiment with recipes. I am looking forward for tomorrow. Thanks and appreciate you for your encouragement.


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