March 25, 2020

Tree Love 77

“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, But to be fearless in facing them.” Ravindranath Tagore 

Beauty Green Farm House - Hyderabad

Beauty Green Farm House - Hyderabad

The current situation in our country and the world has brought us together to be united in fighting COVID-19.  I am at home and I take it as an opportunity to make valuable use of time and also be healthy by not only preventing myself by staying indoors but doing the following:

Keeping to the same routine (practicing yogic stretches, gratitude and prayer to begin the day)

Learning to cook and bring some variety for Breakfast, lunch and dinner J

Cleared up one of my shelf – still in process, clearing all the clutter

Connecting with a few students who are away from family, living on their own and on medication – giving them encouragement and support on whats app.

Connecting with friends – yesterday was Ugadhi (Telugu New Year) was wishing them health and happiness and interacting with few of them.

Checking at the provisions and ensuring that there’s enough for 3 weeks so that we don’t have to go out and stay home to protect self and others.

Started a new habit of praying together as a family and using the technology – by attending mass every evening following the Utube; as there are no church services available.

I am still in process of making the list of the things that could be done in the next 3 weeks, it’s quite a lot of time; while updating myself constantly about the situation;

I am hoping to make the Best of the time given to me… it’s also time to Reflect, Re adjust, Renew. Reorganize and Realize that “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”...

Together Let us be safe and ensure the everyone is safe by abiding the rules laid out to us as citizens.
Thursday Tree love  is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on second and fourth Thursday of every month.   You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Thank you for reading this post;

May you be blessed!


  1. Good going Angela. Using technology to pray together sounds a great way to reconnect. Stay safe! Interesting decorations to the Coconut trees.. since it is a TTL post!!

    1. Hi Archana, its a joy to connect with you; staying at home and trying to do all that I can to help myself and those around. To read a comment on my post gives a happy feeling, and assures that we are all together in the current scenario of COVID 19. I found the decorations interesting too and loved being in that place for a whole day. Hope you and your family are safe too.. time to pray for one another. take care..

  2. Lovely quote by Tagore thank you Genevive and Ugadhi to you family & friends, those who observe this. I've just made a note to myself to look up more of Tagore .. I've always liked him. Take care in this time, be safe, and while we're alone we can also be united.

    1. Thank you Susan, I am glad you liked my quote. Nice to know that you like R Tagore. Tagore remains my all time favorite. Some of his writings from Gitanjali - a collection of poems for which he received the Nobel prize is sung. I used to enjoy singing those songs, which I still do while I ride to work. Its comforting to know that none of us are alone, globally we are one community fighting together and praying for healing and harmony on this earth. Love and Hugs:)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! you too - stay safe, this too shall pass..

  4. Lovely trees and so good that you are doing things that make you feel better and connected. So glad you joined and shared with all of us. Thank you, Angela.
    Hope to see you tomorrow.

    1. Glad you liked the trees Parul and yes I am completely involved in doing everything possible to be healthier and connected. Appreciate your comments. I have clubbed with A-Z April 2020 challenge posts. Hope you are fine and safe.

  5. Nice trees! I love the quote that begins the post. Best wishes on your list!

    1. Thank you Chandra, I am glad you like the quote. Hope you are home and safe with COVID 19 crisis.


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