I am happy to share that Sahayam, psychological counseling
centre of Osmania University, where I work as a counselor, had organized to
screen a movie called:
Be Blessed & Be Happy!

RAADOY….. LIFE! “ ( Life never comes
This movie deals with a
very serious issue concerning all of us, according to WHO Southern India has
the highest number of suicides in the world, compared to many other countries.
Read article Suicide rate
highest among youngsters in India: WHO (http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/suicide-rate-highest-among-youngsters-in-india-who-114090400879_1.html)
Every day we find at
least three to 4 suicide news items in the news papers, this has become so
common and part of our daily life, and so we find that the general public has stopped
reacting to them. The reason behind these suicides mostly appears simple but
there are deeper underlying issues that need to be resolved.
We had the privilege of
interacting with the Director of this movie Mr Bellamkonda Ragu, and wanted to
know how he got this idea to making a film on suicide prevention, he stated “I
started thinking about these kind of suicides, I didn’t understand how can they
take their life, do they feel that their life belong to only them? Do they feel
that they don’t have any responsibility towards the family, or towards the
society? I strongly feel that any reason however strong it may be cannot become
the reason to take life.
This movie speaks about two persons who are trying to commit suicide
and they happen to meet at a point where they try to establish
a point that there are many responsibilities on every one which one has to
fulfill, if a person takes away his own life then it means that he/she is
shying away from the responsibilities.
Abhijeet is upset and
depressed with the way his girl friend walks out of him, because he is unable
to make a decision, not knowing where to go, just rides out of the city. He
meets a farmer (keshava) who has financial problems and on the verge of
committing suicide, by consuming pesticide.
Abhijeet tries to stop
him by persuading that financial problems may not remain longer, hence to take
life for not having money is not correct. But to prove his decision right,
farmer tells his story and tries to prove that his act of taking life due to
lack of money is justifiable as he tried all the possibilities to earn money
and failed. So he justifies that his
action is right..... Abhijeet also tells his story and states that he has lost
his love.
Now he feels that there
is no point in living when there is no love in one’s life, and his justifies
that he must kill himself, as he has lost his girlfriend.
After some time they
both realize that there is no point in arguing as they have their own
justifications to take their lives, and they come to a conclusion that they
both take their respective lives together.
Here enters a third
person and persuades them to become suicide bombers to kill a politician, by
promising them huge amount of money and recognition. Abhijeet and the farmer
realizes that they have become scapegoats, after that they try together to fight
and come out of the situation, saving the lives of innocent peoples.
The Premier show was in our campus, the hall was
packed and the students enjoyed this movie, which came out with a powerful
message we live only once ….. and life
never comes back again …. .. movie was inspiring, and the dialogues were good,
with a bit of humour, the movie did make a difference !!
Be Blessed & Be Happy!
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