July 23, 2014

Gratitude List Link Up !

I saw Corinne tagging me for gratitude; and I could not resist, and just posted a few. Now I am inspired to write a post for the 5 days;

Gratitude for the day! 1
I am thankful for my husband David who helps me in the household work, which provides me some time for myself, to practice yoga, meditate and pray.  

I am grateful for the lady attender at my office; she cleans up my table, brings in cool water, takes care of students, while I am in session, and is ever willing to serve.

This summer I enjoyed eating mangos with a lot of gratitude, relished every piece!  I was filled  with gratitude for the person who planted the seed, the one who took care of the tree, and the persons who brought the fruit to the city.

Gratitude for the day! 2
I am grateful for my friend who presented me a pretty pink dress, even got it tailored for me. I am happy and thankful for this beautiful dress and the gift of friendship in my life.

I feel thankful to my daughter who learnt to make the chicken curry from her dad, and tried it, while I went out to pick up the vegetables; she was ready with the dish, offering me a delicious and tasty piece of chicken.

chicken fried by my daughter for the first time !
I am thankful for the lovely smart phone I got from one of my friend, who was so thoughtful enough to send it across to me; as she was getting a new one.

Gratitude for the day! 3
I am happy and grateful to my sister in law who welcomed me to her home, for a day, prepared a lovely meal and entertained me and my daughter; it was such a lovely time for me to sit and do nothing and bring in past memorable moments of life and relive them once again with my nephews, and their children.

I am grateful to my sister; who surprised my daughter by sending some very specially cooked biryani, and brightening up my daughter for the evening dinner.

I am happy for one of my students, who came all the way almost 20 kms only to say thank you to me. I feel honoured with these gestures, as they motivate me to do more good.

fre images from Google ! Thanks to the author of this image!

Gratitude day 4!
I feel thankful to Charles who came to play the keyboard for the mass, during the in the silver wedding celebration of my brother and sister in law. The music was so beautiful, that it added value to the prayer service, making the occasion an experience.

I am thankful for my nephews and niece for having started a small group on whats app on my dad’s name and updating one another about well being of families, praying, uplifting and supporting each other, that makes me thankful for the app, and bond that creates.

I feel gratitude to my head at my workplace who is very magnanimous in giving; for the constant affirmation I get, and for the opportunity she gave to attend a lecture on cross cultural issues in counseling by a very renowned speaker.

Gratitude day 5!
I am grateful to my son who taught me lessons of love; and gifted me with lovable memories, to relive the past with gratitude.
Naughty laugh after a prank- my son Emmanuel !
I am happy and thankful for the lovely weather in Hyderabad, so pleasant, cool; giving me a lot of energy and capacity to work both at home and at my workplace.

I am thankful for my daughter’s classmates who were kind enough to help, when she had a fall, to reach her class room, and carry her books, and  help her get into the school bus.

Free images from Google ! thanks to this author !!
Wishing you happiness ! love and gratitude !


  1. So many great things on your list! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by ... welcome here; am glad you were here ...

  2. Thanks for adding your post to the Gratitude Linkup - such a wonderful list! :)

    1. Appreciate you Laurel... you motivate me with your comments, thanks ..

  3. Your post reminds me of this quote -

    Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.

    1. Appreciate you for your comment ! taking inspiration from you, and hoping to post more on gratitude. thanks !

  4. Thanks Shilpa for your information... I am full time working at the university, at this time... it will be difficult for me to get into these options.. appreciate you for sharing..


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