I remember a few years ago reading one of his
best seller “7 Habits of Highly
effective People” it was one of most enlightening and motivating book. I had read the book more than once, and in
fact my mission statement was evolved from reading his book. For the first time I felt challenged to see myself in a new way, the process was a
difficult one because of my own conditioning of what I had heard about myself, been told, and experienced in my life.
As rightly pointed out in his books, there is
only one way to improve our situations,
and that is to take charge of ourselves and our lives.
Every habit he spoke of
made a lot of sense to me and has influenced not only my thinking, but also my
decision making, it helped me become proactive and pushed me to set my
priorities right, and made me relook at my goals, and had led me to an understanding of myself and others better.
Today I am grateful for
this person who has touched my life through his writings, and continues to
inspire me with his experiences. I remember talking about this book to one of
my friends, and later on received his book “7
habits of Highly Effective Families” as a wedding gift to me. I cherish his
books and recall some of my favourite quotes from his book:
“We see the world, not
as it is, but as we are or, as we are conditioned to see it”
“To change ourselves
effectively, we first have to change our perceptions”
“If I really want to
improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control –
“We are free to choose
our actions… but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.”
“Most of us spend too
much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important”
“I am not a product of
my circumstances; I am a product of my decisions”.
“To touch the soul of
another human being is to walk on the holy ground”
“There are three
constants in life….Change. Choice and Principles”.
“Live, Love, Laugh,
leave a legacy”
“We are not human
beings on a spiritual journey. We are
spiritual beings on a human journey
May you be inspired too !
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