I am happy for the
opportunity in my life, especially in the first month of the year to go for a
Master Training programme on HIV&AIDS counseling. I did have the basic information about this
subject, but it’s been a long time, since I read or spoke about it, as my
present position leaves me listening to students and provides me space to
organize training in counseling, and be involved in research activity.
To my surprise, my
daughter adjusted so well at home in my absence, and my husband took care of
her so very well, I felt stupid worrying for nothing, I learnt to relax and trust my husband and mother in law, who managed the home in my absence, and also understood that
it’s all in my mind, it’s my own pre conceived ideas that stops me from growth,
stops me from moving, and taking risks in life.
I am glad for this
time, for it helped my daughter and husband to bond with each other, and also
provide space for my own learning, for which I am eternally grateful to God, I
believe that everything happens for a purpose, and this learning was all a part
of the greater plan God has for me.
It gave me opportunity
to interact with more people in my life, listen to different concerns, and also
to learn a little more about how to care for those who infected with
HIV&AIDs. There were different speakers and topics revolving around
counseling, and every person had something beautiful to offer.
I feel better equipped
as trainer, and more confident in dealing with this subject. Some of the
exercises enabled me to take a inner ward journey especially on grief
counselling –this session made me look at grief and feel the pain, the loss,
the emptiness and the void one feels after death especially with those who die
of AIDs, it touched my heart and I was speechless for a moment – it helped me
to understand what actually is “EMPATHY” which is so commonly used in
were also sessions on Gender &
sexuality, Orientation to HIV/AIDS counseling, stages and process of
counselling, basics of family planning methods, Counselling Micro skills, PPTCT
issues in counseling, care and support – challenges of care givers- home based
care, opportunistic infections, overview of mental health issues among people
living with HIV/AIDS, Nutrition
counselling, Counseling adolescents at the ICTC, counseling women, grief and
bereavement counseling, Crisis intervention and problem solving, positive
looking and beyond, legal and ethical issues in counseling.
I reached back, happy
for this whole new experience! and here I am ready to continue my journey with
gratitude …….. Expecting many more unexpected experiences to make my life
meaningful and fulfilling ..
Be Blessed & Be
Happy !
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