August 19, 2010

Miraculous Escape

My husband David met with an accident two weeks ago, and it was a miraculous escape, and the way it occurred, he would have been killed, it was too sudden and very shocking to all of us in the family, especially to me as I have been busy relooking at various options of working, and rescheduling my time to respond to what is important to me.

David planned for a trip to Bangalore to visit the shrine, as he had been praying for our son Emmanuel, who is now learning to talk, my daughter was excited to go out with us, and I was looking forward for a Break to be together as a family.

For me it was the first time we were going out as a family, and we were ready to travel, we packed our bags and our tickets were booked and there was just a day left, wherein we could do the last minute packing, and suddenly my husband came home with a fractured knee unable to walk. When he related the incident, we were shaken, for it was a miracle to come home safe, he was divinely protected. I thanked God a million times, as his life was spared and only his knee was fractured, he had to be hospitalized, and operated. The Doctors have advised for complete bed rest for some time, till he is healed totally.
Giving Thanks

My daughter was disappointed, and I was also disturbed, but being a person who trusted in God, I felt that everything happens for a reason, and there is something good coming out of this situation. So I accepted this situation with gratitude in my heart, believing that we are all part of the Divine plan and purpose.

My time goes in taking care of him and the children, I am happy for this situation, for we have come closer to one another as a family, and it has also given us opportunity to spend time together, and share important issues concerning preciousness of life, tragedy of death, pain of separation, expressing our concerns related to finance, children, their education and future. Which otherwise we would never have discussed in life. I feel a sense of gratitude for whatever has happened, and enjoy the care and support of extended families and friends in continuing my journey with thanksgiving.

Be Happy! All is well in life!

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