Dear Friend,
Thanks for your comments, I do not claim to know all the answers, but I hope this small article answers your question.
I was reading an article called Moving Past pain, where this author speaks about; never allow the past to hold you back from enjoying a full life. What have you got to lose, except a heavy burden.
So true and in order to move on, the best thing to do is to forgive, because when you forgive – yourself and those who hurt you, you are able to release negative patterns that visits you over and over again.
Another simple thing that one can do is to stay in the present, affirm the good that has been a result of a bad situation, and love your authentic self even more than you did yesterday, and this can be definitely done.
Some practical steps to move forward:
Today I think only positive; I spread love, peace, happiness and harmony wherever I am, and where ever I go. I shall make deliberate attempts to think and observe only that which is positive.
Today I make a decision to release my past, unhappy memories, I throw them all in the dust bin, as it is not worth storing in my memory, which is occupying space, hence, I empty it in the bin, and replace it with memories of love, goodness, kindness and ask for God to help me to keep me in a state of forgiveness.
Today I refuse my family, situation or circumstances to bind me, I am a spiritual being, no matter what has been my past, I take time to notice how I have grown despite difficult circumstances, and I am capable of achieving more in life, and I honor my self with a quiet time, I affirm myself – I see myself as a Divine being, and God is with me in every thing I do.
Today I shall observe my life as a observer – see if there are some things that are being repeated, because I have not learned a lesson at the deeper level – I learn from my past mistakes, Every problem I face is an educational process, I make a decision to learn, understand myself and also watch others as they model what I need to learn.
Today I shall take time to read, the word of God, because it empowers me, gives me the courage and strength to move on, and I take comfort in Him, Believe that He/She is always there for me, I am not alone, and I am Divinely Assisted all the Time.
Today I shall be kind to those around me, for by being kind, I am only helping myself to be a better person.
Have a nice day !
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