February 23, 2024

“152 Thursday Tree Love”

“The best memories of our lives can never be captured by pictures, but by our hearts” gracious quotes.com

I was invited for a Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Vijay Marie Hospital in Hyderabad. I was glad and appreciated the person who invited me; So I was happy to attend this evening programme which began with Mass and followed by the cultural programme by the staff and students. While I sat down there I spotted this lovely tree which is older than me – I have been watching this tree since my childhood. 

This tree had memories of my mother who regularly met one of her cousin sister and her family every year and we used to gather around this tree for lunch. It was a huge Neem tree giving shade to many. This used to be during the feast of Mother Mary which falls every year on 8th September, so for many years till my mother was alive that tree was the spot wherein she would look for her sister, and when both met – they would catch up and share food and give to all of us too.  With new clothes greeting one another, we used to enjoy the grilled/cooked chicken with roti or sometimes rice too..

I sat there watching this beautifully decorated tree –with gratitude as memories of the past were racing through my mind. I sat down completely aware and being present to this moment, which brought so much joy. I told my daughter to click this tree so I could share at TTL.

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Link back to here post-http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/

Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...

May you be Happy & Blessed ! 


  1. Beautiful! This is such a lovely spot for family reunions. :-)

    1. Thanks Archana, agree with you, it was a beautiful spot..

  2. I love this post, Angela. When I think of my childhood, trips to my grandparents - I start thinking of the trees I have climbed and the guavas I have plucked. The trees under which I napped when it was too hot to be anywhere else. How lovely that you could reminiscence days from your past and also share that with Dorothy.
    Thank you for joining and so grateful for all your love.

    1. I am glad you loved this post Parul. So happy to hear about your childhood trips to your grandparents- i can imagine what joy it would have brought, these are all precious memories and just thinking about it lifts my spirit. Thank you for being here and you actually set the tone for my day, appreciate you:)Love and hugs.


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