September 18, 2023

146-Thursday Tree Love

“It’s Okay not to be okay, but its not okay to stay that way”

There was a session in the campus – this month September 10th being Suicide Prevention Day – we generally do awareness sessions on Mental Health. This year I did this session at the Ladies Hostel in the campus (these students were from engineering and technology).I liked the trees in front of the hostel, glad to have clicked them.

I was glad to do this programme as I felt mental health is an important topic and It should be a priority for all of us, especially the students who so often neglect. There are studies that tell that one in 5 people have mental health problem, 50 percent of the mental health problems affect youngsters in the age group of 15-24, and youth are vulnerable, and by  the time we reach 2025 it is said that mental health problems will be number one issue to address and  our education system is not equipped to address this problem. Let us do our bit in whatever small ways we can to spread awareness and empower everyone around us to make Mental Health a top priority.  

Thursday Tree love
 is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

 Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Link back to here post-


Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...


May you be Happy & Blessed 


  1. Love that quote and I admire you so much Angela for all the work that you do for children and community. Mental health is not spoken of so much so I am glad you are helping in your own way. Thanks for joining and I am looking forward to seeing you for tomorrow's edition.

    1. Thanks Parul, its always a pleasure to hear from you, feel so affirmed and acknowledged. I have been out of town and trying catch up with everything I missed. I have captured plenty of trees and eager to post.


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