April 30, 2022

123-Thursday Tree Love

“Nature is pleased with Simplicity, and Nature is no dummy” Isaac Newton



I was on my way for a meeting while I found these flowers on the road side, a compound wall of a Government school. The weather was very hot and I was on my bike riding to another part of the city. When I saw these lovely blooms on the road side, there was a feeling of happiness rising from within.. it was a pleasant sight so I stopped my bike and clicked these pictures for our TTL Posts.


Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on Parul’s blog hosted on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. You are most welcome to join in, all you need to do is:

 Post a picture of a tree on your blog

Link back to here post-http://happinessandfood.com/tag/treelove/


Thank you for reading this post; I would love to know your thoughts...


Id Mubarak in advance, as our friends, neighbors, colleagues celebrate the festival of Ramdaan, may they experience Love, Joy, Peace and Happiness in them and their families.


May you be Happy & Blessed 


  1. Indeed the Bougainvilleas inspire happiness! So vivid and vibrant!

  2. Indeed these Bougainvilleas instill happiness! They are so vivid and vibrant!

  3. flowers are uplifting aren't they - I too would have stopped and taken a photo! Lovely post thanks Genevive and I love the Newton quote xx

    1. Hi Susan, nice to connect with you here, glad that you found my actions relatable and also happy to hear you loved the quote.

  4. 2nd time I'm trying to post a comment Genevive - flowers are always so uplifting aren't they. I too would have taken a photo! xx

    1. Thanks Susan, for commenting second time, looks like you are having problems commenting..appreciate your patience and thanks again.

  5. How lovely! Like you, I would have also stopped and clicked. Thanks so much for bringing the color and cheer today to us, Angela. Thanks for joining!

    1. Thanks Parul :) you are the reason for my motivation, and appreciate you for always being an inspiration.

  6. I love love love bougainvillea! It brings back fond memories of living in Thailand.

    1. Oh really I am so glad to hear that you love bougainvillea :) and this post brought memories of thailand. Thanks for your comment, apreciate you,


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