December 29, 2013

A Special Day in My Life !

Its special because I was born this day to my parents, and welcomed by my brothers and sisters in a large family of 7 members. I was the eight child, and my mother used to tell me that I looked like a japanese baby, very small, wheatish colour and a round face.  

I grew up celebrating my birthday, as my mother was very particular, as she knew  all the children’s birthday  by heart.  So Birthdays have always been special in our family.

Today I continue to celebrate myself, thanking God, my Parents, my brothers, sisters, in laws and all the extended family members relatives and friends who have shared so many of my birthdays in my life. 

Every birthday,  was unique and special  and there was always a new  dress with all the accessories to match, and then special food and a delicious cake and all the lovable people surrounding me, acknowledging my presence and appreciating me in their own ways.

Even as a little child I remember my brother Danny taking me on his cycle for the early morning mass at St Mary’s church, Secunderabad, and  he would be instructed by my parents that I be blessed by the priest after the service. Then he would take me to nearby garden restaurant hotel and buy me cup cakes (which used to attractively decorated for the season).

I cherish and remember so many gifts that I would collect – plenty of cards, flowers,  some of the cards are still with me of my friends, junk jewelry  to match my clothes, inspiring books with signature of my friends,  colleagues and well wishers.   Since I loved music, there is also a small collection of cassettes and CD’s of TamilHindi and English.

Today I dug an old necklace made with pearls which is almost 25years old and wore it to the church. My daughter was the first one to greet me  in the middle of the night at 1 a.m. making all noises, followed by my husband and niece Rachel.

My friends already started small mini celebrations, a few days before at my office, and also at a small gathering of my women friends. I am grateful to God for all the love, acceptance and good wishes I receive from all those around me.

Today I was also surprised by a few long distance calls from some old friends, who brought in beautiful memories of my life.

Courtesy free images from Google
Today I feel a lot more richer, content, comfortable, happy, blessed and above all in harmony with myself and everything around me ! I am filled with a lot of gratitude ! Glad to be alive, I wish myself a very happy and a meaningful year a head of me .....

Be Blessed &Be Happy!

Note: The  pictures  used are all from free images from Google

December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Few more Days left for Christmas, and so what is special about this Christmas? For me it’s everything.  I have always loved Christmas; it’s one of the most beautiful festivals, filled with a lot of memories and memorable moments of my life. The meaning of Christmas has been constantly changing too as I journey with gratitude in my life. 
As I child it was so much the external celebrations that mattered, having a new dress, wearing a matching shoes and having the right accessories to match the dress was very important. Gradually with age, experience and maturity, a new understanding of Christmas emerged, and continues to amaze me.
I feel richer, happier and overwhelmed with the idea of God becoming a Man – a concept which is mind blowing and fills me with awe and wonder. A reminder to me of “GOD’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE”.
Love that is so pure, liberating and transforming bringing a change from within, a love which has compelled me to let go of all the anger, bitterness, hatred in my life, and embrace forgiveness, acceptance, kindness, gentleness, peace and harmony. 

This Christmas, with renewed understanding and gratitude, I Bow down and pay my homage to the Babe of Bethlehem! Emmanuel, which means God with us! Who was and is with me, at all moments of my life leading and guiding me to find myself and my purpose in this world.
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas 2013!
May the Lord & Savior Jesus Bless you in abundance!

December 7, 2013


Tomorrow is the 10th birthday of my Emmanuel, our son.  We would have celebrated it with great joy, inviting his friends, cutting a cake, taking him to the church; I can see him smile while I write these few lines.

Birthday’s have always been special in our family, and Emmanuel loved celebrations, he would be so happy to see his friends, smiling away, singing for him, clapping hands as he would cut the cake.

It’s difficult to believe he is no more, and 7th was his last birthday with us, and today we are planning for his birthday for tomorrow, a cake will be cut and it will be shared with a few children.

Time passes so quickly, already 3 years since he is gone, memories are fresh, learning’s are plenty, I have learnt to cherish every moment and have opened myself to love, to be loved and to take one day at a time. 

Death is a great reminder to me, that there is so much more to accomplish.  I am sad & happy – sad because Emmanuel is not present to cut the cake, happy because I believe he is in a better place, and all of us one day have to leave this place.

I want to be Grateful because I am not alone; I have a lovely daughter, a caring husband and so many loveable friends and meaningful work to carry on. I am reminding myself of these inspiring and beautiful quotes to enrich my life …

"Each moment ends the instant it begins, if you don't see this, you will not see what is exquisite in it, and you will call the moment ordinary. Each interaction "begins to end' the instant it 'begins to begin." Only when this is truly contemplated and deeply understood does the full treasure of every moment-and of life itself-open to you."
~Conversations with God

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