April 8, 2013


I chose God, for today’s post, because of my deep faith in the Divine.  The moment I thought of God, there was a quick flash back of my childhood and how I understood God as a child.

 Brought up in a traditional catholic home rosary and daily prayers were compulsory.  I recall my father religiously lighting the candles in the evening hours and saying long prayers, for an hour every day.

I used to get so easily bored.   I would find some excuse to get up from prayer to drink water or go to the wash room, and pretend to be hungry. The fear of God, heaven and hell was so great, that I dare not miss our prayers, and at nights, my mother would instruct us to say a prayer before going to bed, to avoid bad dreams. 

So I grew up hearing about God, from my parents, when they shared their faith experiences as to how God led them in their lives, how they were helped in their needs, and how they were healed of their sickness, so much so, my father will always point out to the alter, and tell me, if you need anything ask God, and you will receive, whatever you want. 

This made me believe in God and in the Divine power, so I prayed, read the bible went for prayer meetings regularly. I was particular about keeping the commandments and saying written prayers at home. It did make me a religious person, but then religion has its own boundary, with a lot of do’s and don’ts,  it produced   fear in my life, and I had to follow everything out of fear and not love.

I was eager to come out of the  fear, and sincerely wanted to experience God. To my good luck I found a group of young people who prayed, shared and cared.  I felt welcomed and accepted in that group, and gradually began to understand and experience God’s love in human relationships. Now my faith took a new route, it was not just routine prayers but challenged me to love, accept and forgive myself and others without any conditions.
The desire to find God and find myself was so deep that I started exploring everywhere, and thus it led me to
meditation centers, attracted a lot of religious persons, teachers and guruji’s in my life, and I took every opportunity to discuss, learn and understand.

So my God concept has been a dynamic one, ever evolving and continues even now.  The best part of it is, it has moved beyond religion and so today I find God easily in every day life, than in the Church, that does not mean I do not go to church or value prayers or rituals. I still find place for these, but much more important development in my life has been,  is to see the divinity in each and every person in my life. To place human beings above law and  things, and to love people and value them as Divine Expressions of Life!!

I affirm all of you reading my Blog as Divine and Magnificent Expressions of Life” !!
Today I'm on G of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.


  1. A tale of such beautiful journey !

  2. I'm glad we walked a large part of this journey together, Janet....I know we each have to make our own discoveries, but it's always helpful to have companions on the journey! ♥

    1. So true Corinne, that way i am really blessed to have companion on my journey, if not for them, i would not have found a path to explore ! thanks !

  3. Finding and believing in God is a personal journey. Glad you have found yours.

    1. Thanks for commenting, it is a personal journey with so many aspects, I tried putting it on one sheet of paper, and its still evolving..

  4. A very heartfelt post! It does not help to fear; once we come out of that, we can truly immerse ourselves in our faith!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, and i truly agree with you. .. i am still continuing my journey ..


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