August 10, 2010

I AM not my work

I believe that I am a Divine and Magnificent expression of life, and my life is precious, I have said this to myself so many times, despite which I got trapped into losing my identity in work. On account of which I was overworked, lost and lived my life under tremendous stress, which made me unhappy.

I was working, but I was also suffering, I could not climb stairs comfortably, I was always tired, found difficult to relax, and had a list of things to be done all the time, envied some of my friends who lived life on their terms.

I knew there was something wrong in my life; I was generous enough to take a hard look at my life and the way I lived. I realized that I needed to believe what I have said to myself so many times, and also written in my note books.

The answer was within, I took the journey inward to see where my time went, what I did in life, what made me happy, within a month or two I understood my problem, I believed in myself, I knew that I am not my work, work is only a small part of me, I decided to offer a new definition to myself, and I will continue to keep searching and renewing, for I have just taken one step. Some of the things that I did in the last two months:

• Quit my job

The moment I made a decision, I was completely relaxed, because I had nobody to report to, and I need not account for my time.

• Identified Goals in my life

I looked at what I wanted in my life, and redefined my goals one by one.

• I started prioritizing my goals

Listed out the important ones and the urgent ones

• Started rescheduling my time

While rescheduling, I included walking, meditating, singing and reading books, which I enjoyed.

This made me happy, relaxed, secure and brought in new meaning to my life.

I recall the words of Swami Vivekananda who says, “All power is within you, you can do anything and everything. Believe in that; do not believe that you are weak. Stand up and express the divinity within you.

Be Happy!


  1. This is a beatuiful and courageous post. I enjoyed reading it. I did something similar only a bit more tentatively than you.

    I was feeling trapped and purposeless so I went part time in my main job and set up a dogwalking and petsitting business a few years ago. This made me so happy as I love animals and could work on my own terms. It was going brilliantly and then when I was relaxed and happy, I discovered I was pregnant at age 41 so my life went down a whole new path.

  2. Thank you so much for your comments, you are inspiring too - i had my first baby at 38, and i too was very frightened and worried, despite which i was blessed with a beautiful girl child, who is 9 years old and doing well in school, my son came in when i was forty, now he is 6 years old,he is a down syndrome baby and it was worse for me to go through this pregnancy as i did not what know how this child will be - today i am happy for he is full of love and life, i am happy to encounter you, and wish you the very best. G Angela


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