August 31, 2013

SEVEN FAVOURITE Affirmations I Practice

I am taking part in the Write Tribe Festival of Words  
This is my First Post 


I want to begin this SEVEN day challenge with 7 favorite affirmations I practice regularly, and I am grateful to the author Louise Hay, the author of You can Heal yourself.” Here goes my favorites:

1. I am completely at peace with myself and the universe
This is affirmation reduces a lot of my anxiety and fear, it also helps me to be calm and steady pushing me to continue my work with ease and comfort both at home and at my workplace, so I love this affirmation and I keep repeating this to myself.

2. I love and accept myself as I am
This is another beautiful affirmation that helps me to focus on myself, and prevents me from comparing myself with others.  I feel good when I affirm myself with this statement; it reminds me of my ever evolving self, irrepeatable in the history of time.

3. Fear is only a feeling and it cannot harm me, nor hold me back
This affirmation reminds me that I need not fear, for fear is only a temporary feeling, and I will not hold myself back because of fear.  I shall open myself to new ways of learning in my life.

4. I trust the process of life to do me greatest good
This affirmation is a perfect one to help me feel secure, reduces my speed, helps me relax: I repeat this and gain inner strength to trust in the divine.

5. I am happy, healthy and energetic
This affirmation prevents me from falling sick, getting bored and relieves me from unnecessary worries, tension and stress. Its also the secret of my smiling face and an optimistic attitude.

6. All my relationships are loving and harmonious
This helps me to surround myself with people who and care, it also leads me to see the world without an enemy and holds every relationship of mine in peace. Enables me to attract people who are loving and peaceful.

7. I open myself to the abundance and richness of the Universe.
This is a very powerful affirmation, that tells me there is enough and more for everyone in this world, and I will get everything that I require, this promotes abundant mentality, and removes the lack from our lives. It has also contributed to my  financially stable and healthy life.

 Wishing all my friends a great start !

August 9, 2013



Today is  a great day for me too, my husband has a  friend who never forgets to bring us the special biryani and the sheerkurma. I feel happy that every year, we have our family friends who never forget us on this festival.  I have been tasting the Hyderabadi biryani (cooking the marinated meat and the rice together) since childhood, and I still enjoy the way our Muslim friends make it.  

I am thankful to our friends for their thoughtfulness and their generosity for sharing their meal with us today.

I have not cooked one meal, as there is so much of it, and what a pleasant feeling to have loving people surrounding us, and visiting us on this occasion. 

Be Blessed & Be Happy

August 5, 2013


Appreciating my friends for all that they have been, and for all that they are !

August 2, 2013


Last week I passed by Satyodayam Retreat House, a place which is for retreat, for anyone who wants to spend quiet time by himself/herself re looking at life, and making the necessary changes, and then move on with renewed enthusiasm.

It  was raining,  lovely weather and the road was clean and smooth for  riding, as I was reaching my work place, a lot of thoughts about my past were flooding me – I went down the memory lane, wherein once upon a time this same retreat house was my second home.

I had spent so much of my time here listening to myself, listening to Jesuit priests, friends, and also communicating and learning so much with those around me and also to those who came there for a retreat.
I feel so blessed when I think of those days in my life, wherein my primary goal was to share my faith experience with every young person I met in my life. 

I was part of a group that consisted of young people who had a deep faith experience, and were eager to share their success story of how they dealt with their own problems and found meaning and purpose in life.

So began my journey of sharing my own faith, with every young person I met, and my life was full of enthusiasm, happiness and contentment. I expressed myself with singing, dancing, sharing, journalling  thanksgiving, showing gratitude, appreciating, reading the bible, and taking inspiration from those around me.

It’s been a long journey in life and I continue to remain grateful for everything that has gone by, everything has changed around me, I have grown in age, been married, had two kids, lost one child changed jobs, explored new possibilities of living my life  and I keep moving on.

I am not what I was, for every experience has shaped me into what I am – despite my discomforts, struggles, setbacks and changes - I chose to remain happy and grateful, it’s the same retreat house that stood still, calm and welcoming and it’s me not the same any more, but definitely full of gratitude for my connections to this place, I am hoping to take a retreat once again, to stop by and take a look into my life, and lead where my heart wants to .......

Its great to be grateful !

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